Availability Per Account Type




White Label

WL – Custom


You will be able to use the Schedule_Player() functionto manipulate on what days and time the player will be able to be displayed on any given page within your website. 


  • The dates are inclusive, which means that the video will play on the target dates as well as all of those dates between the targets.
  • As with any advanced coding procedures, EZWebPlayer Support staff are available to help our White Label customers.

Getting Started

Step 1. Place this script shown below in your website’s header tag. 

<script type="text/javascript">
    Schedule_Player = function(PC, CDC, SD, ST, ED, ET){
        /*Target the player container and the count down container*/
        PC = document.getElementById(PC);
        CDC = document.getElementById(CDC);
        /*Check if today is between the start date and end date*/
        D = new Date();
        CD = ((D.getMonth() + 1).toString().length == 1 ? "0" + (D.getMonth() + 1) : (D.getMonth() + 1)) + "/" + (D.getDate().toString().length == 1 ? "0" + D.getDate() : D.getDate()) + "/" + D.getFullYear();
        CT = D.getHours() + ":" + D.getMinutes() + ":" + D.getSeconds();
        Days = [SD.split("/"), CD.split("/"), ED.split("/")]
        Times = [ST.split(":"), CT.split(":"), ET.split(":")]
        S = new Date(Days[0][2], Days[0][0]-1, Days[0][1], Times[0][0], Times[0][1], Times[0][2]);
        C = new Date(Days[1][2], Days[1][0]-1, Days[1][1], Times[1][0], Times[1][1], Times[1][2]);
        E = new Date(Days[2][2], Days[2][0]-1, Days[2][1], Times[2][0], Times[2][1], Times[2][2]);  
        /*Fill out the cound down container with the time left info*/
        CDC.innerHTML = "This video will only be available from " + SD + " " + ST + " to " + ED + " " + ET+".";  
        /*Display the player or count down timer if today is between the start and end date*/
        if(C >= S && C <= E){
            PC.style.display = "block";
            CDC.style.display = "none";
            PC.style.display = "none";
            CDC.style.display = "block";
            if(C > E){
                CDC.innerHTML = "This video is currently not available any more at this time.";

Step 2. Place this script in the body of your web page where you wish the player to show up.

<div id="Player" style="Display:none;">
    Player Embed Code Here
<div id="Count_Down"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  Availability_Update = setInterval( function() {
    Schedule_Player("Player", "Count_Down",  "00/00/0000", "00:00:00", "00/00/0000", "00:00:00");
  }, 1000);

Step 3. Log into your EZWebPlayer account and grab your players embed code. This will work with the Iframe and Javascript embed codes.

And replace the line from Step 2 that saysPlayer Embed Code Here with your player code.

<div id="Player" style="Display:none;">
    <iframe src="http://ezwp.tv/iframe.htm?v=0000000&w=600&h=450" style="border-width:0;width:600px;height:450px" scrolling="no" allowFullScreen></iframe>
<div id="Count_Down"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  Availability_Update = setInterval( function() {
    Schedule_Player("Player", "Count_Down",  "00/00/0000", "00:00:00", "00/00/0000", "00:00:00");
  }, 1000);

Schedule_Player() – Pass it 5 variables.

Container ID“Container”Make sure this matches whatever ID you give to the div surrounding the player embed code.
Start Date“00/00/0000”Make sure to keep the date in this format.Ex: Jan 2 2016 would be “01/02/2016”.
Start Time“00:00:00”Make sure to keep the time in a 24 hour format.Ex: 1:30AM would be “01:30:00”.
End Date“00/00/0000”Make sure to keep the date in this format.Ex: Dec 31 2016 would be “12/31/2016”.
End Time“00:00:00”Make sure to keep the time in a 24 hour format.Ex: 1:30PM would be “13:30:00”.

Resulting Player